Package prize includes:
- Vat: 24 %
- Moving boxes
- amount: 1 box / m2 for 14 days
inluding delivery and pick up
- amount: 1 box / m2 for 14 days
- Floor covering
- Estimation visit at the customer–> agreed separately if needed
- Customer will pack and protect the movable
goods in advance - If it is mandatory to book the parking at
the departure or the target address.
Additional fee of 120€ will be charged
Additional services according
to a separate offer:
- Recycling services (furniiture, electronics, data protection) from 13,00€/pc or 0,87/kg
- Unloading, from 47,50/h
- Storage from 0,60 €/m³/day
- Cleaning (Notice. From 3€/m²)
- Desinfecting (Notice. From 47,50€/h)
- Piano/flygel delivery, from 350€/pc
- Installation services (furniture, shells, washing machines) from 47,50 €/h
- (Parking space reservation, from 120€/address)